Saturday, October 31, 2009

Internet Addiction

Internet is very powerfull tool now a days, but internet addiction is an impulsive controll problem.

broadly we can say, increased amount of time on internet to achive satisfaction,obssevie thinking about what is happening on the internet,fantaisies on dream about the internet all interferes with daily life. compulsive surfing,online gaming,online affairs,cybersex/cyberporn,online gambling,ebay all are the example of internet addiction.

In 1995,Ivan Goldberg,psychiatrist of New york, annaounced the appearence of a new addiction,that is people abandoning their family obligations to sit gazing into their computer monitor as they surfed the internet. Perhaps as an escape from depression or anxiety, but to label the use of many different activities they can do on the web like pornography and gambling are well-known addiction.

In june 2007, the American Medical Association declined to recomended to American Phychiatric Association, that they include internet addiction as a formal diagonosis. This is known as (DSM_IV) or "Diagnostic and statistical manual of Mental Disorder".